Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Course in preparation for the qualification exam ACCA DipIFR - Diploma in International Financial Reporting


Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR ) allows its owners to become professionals in the field of international reporting. After all, it is not a secret that in the era of globalization, more and more companies are moving away from national accounting standards towards international ones. Increasing knowledge in this field you become indispensable expert in your field.






ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) - the largest and most rapidly growing organization that unites professional accountants from all over the world and actively participating in the design and development of IFRS - introduced a new qualification: Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) in English, and then in Russian - Diploma in International Financial Reporting, which corresponds to a block of English program



Advantages of qualification


DipIFR ACCA diploma is of international standard and allows you to get:


• knowledge of the specific requirements of IFRSs for the recognition, measurement , presentation and disclosure of elements of financial statements ;

• skills of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS, including the consolidated financial statements.


For public interest entities - DipIFR ACCA Diploma holders are exempt from the course and exam "Accounting in accordance with IFRS " necessary for national professional accountancy qualification.


Target Audience


DipIFR (Rus) - a program designed for the professionals in the field of accounting, auditing and finance, for the people who want to learn IFRS or deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge, and also get the hang of  the skills of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS.




Сandidates’  specifications


You can register for the exam, if you meet one of the following requirements:


• you already have a professional qualification of accounting or an auditor;

• you have the appropriate education (diploma) and  2 -years  experience in the field of accounting and auditing, confirmed in writing  form by the employer or by a  copy of the work record book;

• you have a 3-year experience in the field of accounting and auditing, confirmed in writing  form by the employer or by a copy of the work record book;

• you have a certificate of CIPA, issued  by CIPA-EN 


Structure and duration of the course


Duration of the program is 100 academic hours. The training course is divided into 3 blocks with breaks in between them for the independent work on the material and homework.






The diploma is estimated by one written exam, which lasts for 3 hours. For successful passing an examination it is necessary to gain at least 50 points from 100 possible. The exam is held two times a year at a fixed date in all examination centers simultaneously.


As a confirmation of knowledge and practical skills in the field of IFRS,  DipIFR is represented as the program with an optimum ratio of cost, passing time and the volume of gained  knowledge.





The international diploma of ASSA DIPIFR – pledge of your successful career in the accounts department and business area, declaring to your employers about high professionalism and commitment of the owner!