About the faculty
The Faculty of Economics of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University was established in 1977 and is the largest faculty at the university. Today the faculty trains competitive specialists in economics, accounting, management, finance and marketing.
The faculty consists of four departments: Management and Business Administration, Finance and Banking, Economics, Accounting and Audit. There are more than 50 teachers, including 2 Doctors of Science and professors, 15 Candidates of Science, 11 MSc. In November 2000, the International Biographical Centre (UK) Doctor of Economics, Professor S.M. Zhientaev was awarded the International Award for achievements in the field of science.
The results of the work of the academic staff are ranked each year by the rating system developed by the University to improve the quality of education. In 2011-2012 academic year the Faculty of Economics was ranked 4th in the general university rating.
The Faculty of Economics trains more than 1,000 students according to 6 Undergraduate program specialities and 36 graduate students according to 2 Postgraduate program specialities.
Each speciality has 2-3 educational programs which have been developed in accordance with the needs of the labor market taking into account the wishes of employers and learners. Each student can independently form their educational program.
The faculty offers Student Exchange Program both for students and teachers. So in 2011-2012 academic year the student of "Governmental and Local Management" speciality Margarita Kress studied in the Czech Republic (the LOGO international program), the student of "Finance" speciality Rustem Alpyspaev studied in Spain (ACCION2 CASIA program), the student of "Accounting and Audit" speciality Alina Spirina studied in the Czech Republic (ACCION2 CASIA program). In the 2012-2013 academic year the students of "Finance" speciality Zhanna Bertazina, Elmira Ibraeva and the student of "Management" speciality Olga Mazur studied at the Czech University of Natural Sciences (Prague).
Dr Carlos Machado (Belgium) |
Olga Mazur in the Czech Republic |
Rustem Alpyspayev in Spain |
The faculty is developing one of the most promising areas of Student Exchange Program - inviting foreign scientists, researchers and professors to give lectures. In November 2012 Dr. Carlos Machado (Belgium) gave a lecture to postgraduate students of 6M050700-Management speciality on "Project Management" and conducted workshop "On writing project requests" for the faculty teachers.
In 2010-2012 the Faculty of Economics has trained more than 800 graduates, 90% of those are employed that is due to the Board of Trustees of the Faculty of Economics and the University Alumni Association.
The Board of Trustees of the Faculty of Economics consists of the heads or deputies of organizations (enterprises), government agencies. For three years the university has been organizing Alumni Forum and Vacancies Fair which contribute to the employment of students of the Faculty of Economics. For the first time in 2012 "Regional Forum of Trustees of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University and Employers " was held with the participation of akim of Kostanai region N.Sadvakasov.
Regional Forum of Trustees of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University and Employers with the participation of akim of Kostanai region N.Sadvakasov.
The Faculty provides the best conditions for internship: an increase in the number of companies and organizations in the region by government agencies. The university has signed agreements with the companies of the city and region, commercial banks, government agencies for internship and further employment of the faculty graduates. Today the faculty maintains strong links with large, medium and small business of Kostanai region including "AIF" LLP, "PREKO Consulting" LLP, "Motor-Detal" LLP, "Agromashholding" LLP, "Kostanaypoligrafiya" K (F ) X "Sadovod" LLP; banks: JSC "Eurasian Bank", KB JSC "Temirbank", KB JSC "BTA Bank", KB JSC "Tsesnabank", the Tax Department of Kostanai region, the Tax Department of Kostanai and many others.
The educational and methodical work directed to improving teaching, optimization and intensification of educational process, improving methodical support and professional development of the staff provides high competitiveness of graduates.
In 2010-2012 the teaching staff of the faculty published over 70 study guides, 85 methodological guidelines and developed multimedia-based support for each course.
In 2010-2012 the faculty conducted 14 methodological seminars, 4 workshops, 3 round tables with participation of leading financiers, bankers, managers and experts of this area.
Round table |
Workshop |
“National Currency Day” Seminar |
Meeting with the leading specialists of organizations |
Workshop |
Round table |
Every year the faculty teachers are engaged in professional development at the leading higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan including Kazakh National Agrarian University, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, L.Gumilev Eurasian National University, JSC “Academy of Almaty Regional Financial Centre”, etc., participate in seminars at A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University, professional development courses on creating electronic distant course, automated system of Moodle distant learning, online and offline feedback, creating automated testing in Moodle distant learning.
The staff is actively involved with research work. For the last three years 7 teachers of the faculty have defended dissertations on scientific degree of a Candidate of Science, 3 teachers have received an academic rank of Associate Professor.
In 2010-2012 the staff published 853 research papers, 11 research projects were designed for the competition of grant funding declared by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the faculty take an active part in research, they are engaged in 9 research groups. They have published 56 research papers.
In 2011-2012 academic year the student of "Marketing" speciality A.Strelkova participated in the regional scientific competition and took the 3rd place and in the annual Republic competition of higher educational institutions 2012 she took the 3rd place.
Intellectual competition |
Student scientific conference |
Scientific seminar |
The undergraduate and postgraduate students take part in business project competition “Parasatty zhastar” which is annually held at the university and aimed at creating constructive interaction of graduate and postgraduate students, business structure, consultants and investors. In 2010-2012 the students designed 20 interesting and innovative business projects.
Economics students attend Student Debate Club “Akhmet Urpaktary” and participate in different tournaments. The postgraduate student Evgeniy Bedych took the Cup of the rector of L.Gumilev Eurasian National University on12 February 2012.
The students of the Faculty of Economics attend “Oner”, “Zhas Orken” studio, KVN.
Miss Kostanai-2012 |
Campaign “We are for” |
Campaign at Kostanai orphanage |
Initiation to studentship |
Nauryz |
20th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence |
The students and teachers of the faculty take an active part in sports life of the university – going to the sections of the “Sunkar” club, the annual participation in city events “Presidential Mile”, “Health Day”, participation in the competitions of the regional and national level. The most popular sports among the students of the faculty are: table tennis, basketball, volleyball, Greco-Roman wrestling, indoor soccer, chess, golf, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, weight-lifting.
Volleyball team of the faculty |
Football |
Presidential Mile |
Health Day-2012