Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.



At  the faculty much attention is paid to sport events. Annually students of our faculty take prizes and become the winner at the competitions. In 2012 among the first-year students the team on volleyball of young men won the first place in traditional competitions, girls – the second place; on streetball – the second place; the student of the specialty "Agronomy" Dustyarov Ruslan – the first place on chess.


In track and field athletics run our the first-year students: Gerner Elena and Zhetpisbai.





Among our students there are also athletes who reached good results.


Osipov Alexander – the student of the 3 course on specialty 5B060700-Biology. The master of sports of the international class on skiing;


• the bronze prize-winner World university games in the Turkish city of Erzurum for (2011) 





Yusupov Edward – the student of the  3d course on specialty 5B080100-Agronomy. The candidate for the master of sports on hand-to-hand fight:


• triple champion of the region (2010, 2011, 2012);

• twofold champion of the republican tournament "Golden autumn" (2011, 2012);





Menshenin Anton – the student of the 3d course of specialty 5B080100-Agronomy. The candidate for the master of sports on "Zhekpe-zhek":


• champion of the North Kazakhstan area, Petropavlovsk (2012);

• Silver prize-winner of the Cup of Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk (2012). 







Vedyaykin Alexander – the student of the 1 course of specialty 5B073200-Standartization, certification and metrology. The member of team on ski race


• Absolute champion (2008, 2009); m. The candidate of a vmaster of sports on skiing:

• Winner of a festival of Skiing (2008, 2009, 2010). 







The self-hatch - Dmitry - the student 4 courses of the specialty "Technology of Processing Productions" got the third category on powerlifting.


• 1 place at regional competitions on powerlifting (2012)

• The 2nd place on University games (Petropavlovsk, 2012);

• The 2nd place in the area Championship (Ore, 2011) 











The KSU team became the winner of the 1 place on powerlifting on the university games in 2012 (Petropavlovsk). In a line-up are our  students Akshalov R., Frolov E. Sukhodolets V.