Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Scientific directions and Achievements

  • Resource-saving technologies of cultivation of crops in  Kostanay region (Shilov M.P., Orazbayev K.Sh. Zhempiisov Sh. S., Shepelev M.P.)
  • Ecological test of grades of spring-sown soft field of selection of DGP "Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants" (Ahmet A.Z. Zharylgasov ZH .C.. Kalimov N. E. )
  • Introduction of ecologically safe technology of application electrochemical the activated solution of anolyte and ozone and their mixes in various areas of the industry (Kasyanov of Item F. Karasev V. M.)
  • Influence of anthropogenous loading on ecological equilibrium in ecosystems of the Kostanay region (N. S. Naumov, T.M.Blisov, T.I.Chekhov, Zharlygasova G. D.)
  • Research of environmental problems of geosystems of  Kostanay region (Shevchenko L.Ya. Yunusov G. B., Chasanoff A.I. Kozhevnikov S.K.)
  • Chemical approaches in questions of studying of grain crops, herbs in the conditions of extremely continental climate of  Kostanay region (Ergaliyev A.Kh. ) ;
  • Biomorphological, physiological researches of plants, person and animals (Sultangazin G. Zh. ) • Design activity as means of preparation of competitive experts (Sultangazin G. Zh. ) .






Education – science – production

 Scientific seminars with the participation of the representatives of science and the practician experts (Dvurechensky V.I., Nugmanov A.B. Hadanovich V. V., Semeykin V. I. Fedyay N.A., etc.)

 Round tables (Dvurechensky V.I., Bukanov S. B., Ibrayev A.I. Doshchanov M. B., P.V. Spheres, etc.)

  Participation in "Day of a field" (Kostanaysky SIIAC)




 Introduction of results of NIR in production

  • Autumn shchelevany soils (Shilov M.P., к.с. - х.н. – KH "Ponomarev") – 2011.
  • Way of preparation of ploskorezno-herbicidal steam (Shilov M.P., к.с. - х.н. – KH "Ponomarev") – 2011.
  • Way of fight against a wheat grass creeping on the sternevy predecessor (Shilov M.P., к.с. - х.н. – KH "Ponomarev") – 2012.
  • Way of introduction of mineral fertilizers at crops of grain crops on the No-Till technology (Shilov M.P., к.с. - х.н. – KH "Ponomarev") - 2012.
  • Processing of a seed material of a spring-sown field of the ECHO by solution on their infitsirovannost, viability and energy of germination (Kasyanov of Item F. к.б.н. – Kostanaysky NIISH LLP) – 2012.


 Copyright certificates



  • Baimbayev B. Zh. к.с. - х.н. – the author of inventions "Way of processing of solonetzic soils", "The device for mixing of bulks", "A way of selection of soil samples".
  • Ahmet A.Z. к.с. - х.н. - author of a grade of Kostanaysky News and Dunyasha potatoes;
  • Orazbayev K.SH. к.с. - х.н. - author of a grade of flax olive "Kazar";
  • Smolyakova V. L. Cand.Tech.Sci. – the inventor "A grinder of forages".







Winners of awards




Beyshova Indira Saltanovna, the senior teacher of chair of biology and chemistry, the candidate of agricultural sciences – the winner of an award of club of patrons of "Shabyt" in the nominations "Science", 2012.




International cooperation

The international cooperation is an integral part of activity of faculty. Faculty chairs successfully cooperate with various higher education institutions of the near and far abroad, participate in various international programs.



Higher education institutions with which contracts on cooperation are signed