Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Researches of students and undergraduates


Participation of students and undergraduates in research work (NIRS/NIRM) is an obligatory element of preparation of future experts.


Problems of NIRS/NIRM:

  • development in being trained skills of scientific research;
  • activization of creative activity of the being trained;
  • development of ability of communication in collectives at long-term business contact with the head and colleagues on scientific work.



For realization of these tasks at faculty various forms of research work of the being trained are used: 

 Development of subjects of the main scientific directions within performance of term and final qualification papers. Chairs develop subject of degree and master's theses which is annually updated. All scientific works of students are made out according to Methodical instructions: MI KGU 013-2009 of the Requirement to performance, registration and protection of papers, course and theses and projects with changes and additions from 25.04.2012г. ) and MI of 081.033 - 2011 Requirements to the contents, registration and protection of the master thesis with changes and additions of 10.04.2012).


 Profound studying of separate scientific problems vspetsializirovanny scientific student's research groups (mugs) and preparation of student's research works. On all chairs of faculty there are scientific student's circles in which participates more than 170









 Scientific works of our students take prizes in the Republican competition of scientific student's works which is carried out by MOH PK. In 2010 the 3rd place was taken by students of the specialty "Biology": Babadzhanova A. (the head – Sultangazina G. Zh. к.б.н. ) ; Lazukhina E. (the head – Marinenko T.G.). In 2012 the 2nd place took Nurmakin S., the student of the specialty "Agronomics" (the head – Zhempiisov Sh. S., k.s-h.n. ) ; Esmukhanova A. the student of the specialty "Biology" (the head – Sultangazina G. Zh. к.б.н. ) . 





 Participation in scientific and practical conferences, various Olympic Games and competitions


Annually at faculty scientific and practical student's conferences following the results of which collections of scientific articles are published are held.

Students participate in the various subject Olympic Games. So in 2009 students agronomists took the 3rd place in the Olympic Games which is carried out in KAZNAU (Almaty), in 2010 the team of students of faculty took the 2nd place in the Olympic Games in the Chemistry directions and Ecology" in RII (. Ore). In 2012 of Demesinov Zh. the magistrantka of the specialty "Geoecology and Management of Environmental Management", received the letter of thanks for participation in the Olympic Games on "T_ldaryn's" multilingualism and the diploma for the 3rd place in the Olympic Games on foreign languages. 







In 2012 of Babakov S., student of the specialty "Biology" (head Sultangazina G. Zh. к.б.н. ) and Mitanova A. student of the specialty "Technology of Processing Productions" (head Kasyanov of Item F. к.б.н. ) participated in the Republican forum of students' scientific societies of higher education institutions of RK "Youth and Science in the Modern World". Babakova S. took the 3rd place, and Mitanova A. it is awarded by the letter of thanks. 






Our students annually participate in development of student's business projects

Ovchinnikova K. 2 student's business projects (specialty "Agronomics") and Mitanova A. (specialty "Technology of Processing Productions") are noted by diplomas and monetary prizes (2011-2012 уч. year)

In 2012 for the first time in Kostanaye passed the Atameken Startup Weekend project in which 5 teams of students of the specialties "Technology of Food Products", "Technology of Processing Productions" and "Standardization, Metrology and Certification" participated. Three teams under the leadership of Kasyanov of Item F. Karaseva V. M., Shpis A.A. Moldakhmetova Z.K. and Shcherbakova A.M. passed in the ending.





Research work of students and undergraduates at faculty is effective means of improvement of quality of training of specialists. Every year at faculty activity being trained in research work grows, the range of actions extends, efficiency of NIRS and NIRM grows.