Research areas
At present the department carries out research on:
Theme 1 "Impact of anthropogenic load on the ecological balance in ecosystems in Kostanai region", supervisor N.Naumov, candidate of biological sciences
- Part "Current status of black soil in agrocenosis in Kostanai region" - N.Naumov, T.Chekhova coauthors:
- Part "Agroecological condition of zonal soils in Kostanai region" - T.Blissov
Theme 2 "Investigation of environmental problems of geosystems in Kostanai region", supervisor - Shevchenko L.Y., candidate of sciences, associate professor. Coauthors:
- Part "Ecological condition of antroposociosystem" - L.Shevchenko
- Part "Investigation of ecological state of the urban environment" - G.Yunussova
- Part "Algal flora of manmade reservoirs of Kostanai region" - S.Kozhevnikov
- Part "Problems of demographic state of Kostanai region - A.Khassanova.

Doctoral Research applicants:
1 Kazkenova G.T . "Features of metabolic processes in laying hens during treatment with stress-protectors"
2 Zhokusheva Z.G. "Number and demographic structure of small mammals"
3 Kozhevnikov S.K. "Nonlinear (synergistic) approaches in organizing independent work of students in blended learning technologies of studying biological sciences at university"

Research results are regularly published in proceedings of international and regional conferences, in scientific journals of Kazakhstan, Russia, CIS.
Tempus projects in the field of higher education reform
Teachers of the Department of ecology participate in two international Tempus educational projects.
1 Draft CIBELES «Curriculum invoking Bologna-aligned of Education Leading to reform in Environmental Studies» / «Development of curriculum based on the principles of the Bologna education, leading to the reform of education in the field of environmental protection", 2010-2013.
A working group from A.Baitursynov KSU within the project must elaborate and implement the curriculum towards Master's program on “Protection and management of environmental quality ". The working group consists of 2 teachers (Yunussov G.B., Kazkenova G.T.). The working group, Department of Ecology and teachers had a look at the general information about the project.
A survey and interviews with potential employers were conducted to identify their views on the disadvantages of the existing training programs in the field of ecology and environmental protection, and recommendations for further change. They collected and analyzed 16 interviews and 65 questionnaires from different organizations of Kostanay and Kostanay region (Rudniy, Arkalyk) related to ecology and environmental protection. They also found missing competences in training, established areas of activity where there is a shortage of specialists.
During the seminars on the project the current coordination, methodical, organizational work was done: an analysis of questionnaires and interviews, discussion and forming convergent variant of a Master’s programme curriculum common for all universities - partners in "Protection and management of environmental quality", test case of qualification characteristics of a Master student, competencies, syllabus of the curriculum, discussing the compatibility of ECTS credits and the countries -partners of the project, listened to lectures by EU experts, the analysis and preparation of resources for the implementation of syllabus of academic disciplines. Updated qualification characteristics of Masters on Protection and Environmental Management were approved and the content of the curriculum of academic disciplines was discussed. Institutional requirements to assess the quality of curricula and accreditation at universities –partners are compared.
The Department of Ecology completed a preliminary examination of elective courses of universities-partners.
By autumn 2012, the department got the license of the Ministry of Education and Science majoring 6M091100 "Geoecology and environmental management" at A.Baitursynov KSU., received the first graduates. This year teachers of the department are conducting classes in 5 courses of Master’s programme (Yunussova G.B., Naumov N.S., Blissov T.M., Shevchenko L.Y., Chekhov T.I.).
The invited foreign scientists to give lectures: Prof. Dr. of Engineering Y.Mosey, ,Warsaw University of Natural Sciences, Sofia, Poland; Doctor of Social Sciences K.Machado, Free University of Liege, Belgium, Professor U.Hukskhold, University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Now the department is going on the project Tempus CIBELES, phase 4 "Shaping the doctoral school", elaborated the substantiation of the doctoral school and designed the curriculum.
To promote methodological approaches of the Bologna process among teachers of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University teachers of the Department of Ecology conducted seminars and round tables:
- December 2011 - at the Agro-biological faculty Yunussova G.B. presented the results of the working group on Tempus CIBELES. The presentation also covered general information about Tempus (goal, stages, projects, participants) about the development of the Tempus program in Kazakhstan and the participation of A.Baitursynov KSU in this program through joint projects.
- January 14, 2012 - a training seminar at the Department of Ecology. Teachers of the department of ecologyhad a look at the methodology of choosing elective courses based on evaluation of their contribution to the curriculum of the major - lecturer Naumov N.S.; competence-based curriculum design approach - lecturer Yunussova G.B.
-12 April 2012 - Seminar within the international scientific-practical conference "Baitursynov readings-2012" - reports by Chekhova T.I., Yunussova G.B.
June 18, 2012 - Round table for teachers at the Laboratory of innovative educational technologies "Competence-oriented approach in credit technology training" - reports by Yunussova G.B., Khassanova A.I.
Information about the project, its implementation regularly appeared in mass media.
2 The "Eco-Engineering-processing of information about the environment and sustainable development of renewable resources and biological waste", 2011-2014.
A working group consists of a teacher of the Department of Ecology (Chekhova T.I.). 5 teachers of Riga Technical University headed by Professor D.Bloomberg were invited to give lectures. Field classes on waste disposal were conducted at the brewery in Rudniy, in NIISKh "Zarechnoe". Students elaborated and defended projects on developing waste management systems in enterprises using the methodology of the energy audit.