Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational and Research Laboratory

The department provides training highly qualified specialists in the field of biological and chemical sciences. The Department is enhancing curricula and programs, facilities, educational process with teaching materials in two languages ​​- Kazakh and Russian.


Biochemical rooms of the Department of biology and chemistry are decorated with visual- information boards.


In recent years the department has significantly improved modern equipment and instruments in accordance with the priority areas of research and innovation of the department.


The department has good facilities and methodological support for successful training. Educational laboratories (chemical, biochemical), computer labs with Internet access, Entomological Museum, specialized rooms with multimedia equipment are available for students.


Chemical laboratories (Room  419 , 432, 433 , 434) are provided with the following equipment: a photoelectric colorimeter-nephelometer (FEC -5M ) , refractometer URL- Y42 - to define the index of refractive and concentration of substances, technical scales VLTK -500, electronic scales CAS type MW-II, centrifuge (OPN- 8) , drying cupboard SESh -M, SH 04 67/350, torsion scales VT -500, laboratory mill LZM, microscopes "Biolam ", microscopes MIKMED 5 LOMO, microscope Illuminator MIKMED -1, biolam OI- 32 CD, digital camera eyepiece for microscope model DCM -130.



Zoology,  Botanics,  Plant Physiology classes are conducted in specialized laboratories (Room 416, 418, 420)  with wet and dry preparations of animals, slide mounts, collection of insects and other demo collections, stuffed birds and animals, models , skeletons of vertebrates , videos , collections of lower and higher plants, more than 2,000 herbarium leaves of vascular plants.