Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Research areas

Theme "Physico-chemical characteristics of mixed gels of silicic acid and oxyhydrate lanthanum" – research which has a value in the field of environmental adsorption. Supervisor: Altynbayeva Liliya Sharifullovna, degree-seeking student at the Faculty of Chemistry of the "South Ural State University" National Research University.


Aim: to study the features of structuring oxyhydrates based on lanthanum and silicic acid.



1.to study the thermolysis features of samples of mixed gels.

2.to study sorption characteristics of mixed gels based on lanthanum and silicic acid.


Expected results: information concerning mixed gels based oxyhydrate lanthanum and silicic acid is rather poor and contradictory: in the literature there is no data on the sorption characteristics, kinetics of diffusion and sorption.


Obtained micrographs taken using elastically scattered electrons, mixed gels of oxyhydrate lanthanum and silicic acid, obtained in "direct" and "reverse" ways, as well as the first conclusions on mixed gels.




Theme "Investigation of straw processing by alkali and acid hydrolysis methods". Supervisor: A.Kh.Yergalieva, candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor and A.A.Tulepbergenova, graduate student.


Aim: to study the straw processing by alkali and acid hydrolysis methods.



1. Conduct acid hydrolysis of straw and master the methodology of analysis products.

2. Maximum increase the use of straw as feed.


Expected results: the experiment results are supposed to contribute to a more efficient use of straw as feed.


Significance: One of the main wastes of grain production is straw. Straw is restrictedly used in feeding livestock in connection with low nutritional value due to high fiber content. Splitting fiber by chemical methods is a promising direction.


Associate Professor A.Kh.Yergalieva and graduate A.A.Tulepbergenova started experiments on the selection of conditions of straw hydrolysis.


Theme "Study of the kinetics of the enzymatic process by physico-chemical analysis" - research on ways to increase crop yields, since changing the activity of the enzyme under the influence of modifiers can affect the metabolism of the plant body. Supervisor: L.V. Klotchko candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor and Voytyshina E.S. graduate student.


Aim: to study the influence of modifiers on activity of wheat peroxidase.



1. to define optimal conditions of enzymosis.

2. to study the influence of nature and concentration of the modifier on the enzymosis.


Expected results: to reveal the activating and inhibitory effect of modifiers on enzymosis.


Teachers Marinenko T.G., Mamedova T.M. carry out systemic research on "Insects entomophagous and their role in agrobiocenosis".


The entomological research of the museum staff are reflected in scientific papers. The  museum collection contains around 25,000 insects, on the exposition - 787 species, 1684 specimens.




Theme "Floristic study of the north- western part of the Kazakh hummocks". Supervisor: Sultangazina G.J., candidate of biological sciences, associate professor and graduate

Gevel N.V., Petrova E.Yu.


Objective: to identify the species composition of the flora of the North-western part of the Kazakh hills and define its main features due to historical and contemporary factors. Supervisor: Sultangazina G.J. – candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor. The floristic survey of the territory of the State National Natural Park "Burabai" started in 2010. For floristic survey the following methods were used: detailed - routing method to study the information on the species composition of the area and to identify eco- cenotic attachment of higher plants.




Theme "Project activity as a means of training competitive professionals", 2012.


Aim: to stimulate research and educational-cognitive activity of students, providing conditions for self- education and research activities of teachers and students.


Expected result: the systematic strengthening of the material - technical base of the faculty through the planned research of department, enhancing the university and international scientific cooperation development, extension of scientific work of teachers and students in mass media, publishing in journals with impact factor, development of guidelines from experience with project activities in training competitive specialists.


The scientific consultant of the department project "Project activity as a means of training competitive specialists" is Doctor of pedagogical sciences Bortko T.G.


Research is a great opportunity for professional development  and a great school for students without which the most of the research would be impossible.