Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.



Dussebayev Beket Kenzhebekovich

Head of Department of Agronomy

Candidate of agricultural sciences


E-mail: nice.beket@mail.ru








About the Department



Educational programmes


  • Bachelor’s programme:




  • Master’s programme:





The teaching staff of the department


  • Akhmet Amanzhol Zulkarnaevich
  • Baimbayev Bakytbek Zhandarovich
  • Dussebayev Beket Kenzhebekovich
  • Yermagambetova Aigul Orashevna
  • Zharlygassov Zhenis Bakhytbekovich
  • Zhempiissov Sharuan Syzdykovich
  • Kalimov Niyazbek Yerkhanovich
  • Mamedova Tatyana Mikhailovna
  • Mishchenko Valeriy Vassilievich
  • Orazbayev Kassymzhan Shayakhmetovich
  • Seitkazinov Dussenbai Timerzhanovich
  • Shilov Mikhail Pavlovich
  • Shilova Nadezhda Ivanovna
  • Khamzin Mels Seitkalievich




Training courses


Research directions




+7 (7142) 558559 (teachers)

+7 (7142) 558559 (assistant)


Address: Kostanay, Abay Ave, 28, bl. 2

Room 26 (head of department)

Room 428 (teachers)

Room 425 (assistant)