Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


The history of faculty originates since 1966 – from year of the establishment on the territory of area of Kostanaysky branch of the Tselinograd agricultural institute. The joint faculty (in common with the specialty "Zootekhnical") which was headed by Nurmukhamedov Bazarbay Elikbayevich was originally organized.


In 1974 in connection with increase  of students’ number the independent agronomical faculty  was opened and the candidate of agricultural sciences Emnonov Yury Ivanovich was appointed as a Dean.


The invaluable contribution to the formation and development of faculty was brought by such scientists and teachers, as I.A.Denisov – d. s of ac. the professor, N.I.Martynenko – k.s of ac. the deserved agronomist of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, the founder of chair of botany, Yu.S.Adomyako – k.s-ac. the head of the department of agriculture, A.P.Batalov – k.s-ac. head of the department of soil science and agrochemistry, candidates of science G.T.Polozov, A.L.Molchanov, I.S.Borodkin, V.V.Mishchenko, A.Z.Akhmetov, A.G.Vanifatyev, R.M.Valiyev and others.


Teachers of agronomical faculty of different years










New opportunities and prospects in the development of faculty opened in 1978 – year of the formation of independent Kustanay Agricultural Institute.


Moving to the city to the new educational institution with spacious light audiences and offices, updating and replenishing material resources  the most important, educational pilot farm was created – named  after Yu.A.Gagarin and allocation to the  faculty of a skilled field of 200 hectares with a complex of equipment, agricultural cars, the bus, buildings for laboratories in Sadchikovk's settlement. All this gave an impetus to the  faculty development. 


Since 1982 the candidate of science in agriculture, associate professor Kolsanov George Vasilyevich, and since 1985 – the candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Mishchenko Valery Vasilyevich were appointed as the dean of faculty. These years the scientists together the with students actively engaged the research work. For carrying out melkodelyanochny experiences the special equipment were acquired: Czech minitractor, Finnish harvest Sampo combine and many other things.


The faculty structure was constantly improved. In 1985 at faculty 6 profile chairs were arranged: botanists and physiology of plants, soil science and agrochemistry, forage production, general agriculture, fruit-and-vegetable growing and protection of plants, plant growing. As a part of faculty highly qualified  skilled teachers work: doctors of science – A.N.Malanyin, A.I.Protsenko, candidates of science – T.M.Zorkina, I.A.Zhurkovsky, Yu.I.Emnonov, Yu.P.Tobolina, E.V.Belonogov, G.T.Polozov, A.I.Manko, I.M.Volynchuk, V.A.Braun, L.M.Patalakh, I.S.Borodkin, A.Z.Akhmetov, N.P.Kulakov, V.M.Rasputin, L.A.Senkova, Sh.S.Zhempiisov, K.Sh.Orazbayev, S.T.Bisembayev, T.I.Chekhova, N.S.Naumov, M.P.Vorobyev, L. S. Shilov, S.B.Imuratov, D.T.Seytkazinov, L.A.Tuleev, S.B.Druskildinov, L.V.Klochko, other skilled teachers – R.Ya.German, N.Ya.Tkachenko, Z.S.Vakulenko, This year Terpilovsky, M.A.Shepelev, N.I.Shilova, Lake. And Tyrtseva, T.V.Atamanets, etc.





In 1988 on an initiative and with a direct participation of the Dr.Sci.Biol., professor A.I.Protsenko the entomological museum which later became a pride of the faculty was opened. Collected by the assistance of employees of a museum and students the richest collection of insects serves now as the center for studying entomofauna of  Kostanay region, the scientific and educational and methodical center for training  specialists such as agronomists, biologists, ecologists.


In 1993 the candidate of agricultural sciences Seytkazinov Dyusenbay Timerzhanovich was appointed as  the dean of faculty.


In 2000 the agricultural institute became a part of university. In this regard the structural organization was carried out: two faculties (agronomical and zooengineering) were joined into one agrotechnical faculty which was headed by the doctor of agricultural sciences Naymanov Doskali Kurmashevich. The list of specialties extended. Preparation of technologists on two specialties "Technology of Processing of Grain and Baking Production" and "Technology of Meat and Dairy Products", and also on the specialties "Standardization and Certification of Agricultural Production", "Farmer Business", "Selection and Biotechnology in Plant Growing" began.



There is a change in structure and the name of chairs of faculty. All agricultural specialties joined as a part of the Agrarian institute of technology headed by the doctor of agricultural sciences Muslimov Bakhytzhan Muslimovich.


In 2004 the allocation occurred from structure of university for the college with 3 specialties "Biology", "Chemistry" and "Ecology and Environmental Management" were transferred to faculty. 


In 2006 from structure of faculty allocated the specialties "Zootekhny" and "Technology of Food Products" which were transferred to the structure of the veterinary faculty. The candidate of agricultural sciences Zharlygasov Zhenis Bakhytbekovich wass appointed as the dean of faculty.


Since 2011 the faculty wass headed by Candidate of Biology  Chekhova Tatyana Ivanovna.


During the existence of the faculty a large number of the highly qualified experts working for an agro-industrial complex, education, the state structures of management of area and the Republic of Kazakhstan is prepared.


Long time in agro-industrial complex  Bukanov S. B., Galanin S. M., Dikhayev M. K. Yanenko K.M. Shebeda V. I. Berdagulov M. A. Kuznetsov A.A. Tuleubayev T.T. and many others wrked for.


Amman E.I. was the executive secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nurgaliyev Zh.M.  –  the deputy of the senate of Parliament of RK, Litovchenko V. G. and Ismuratov S. B. –the  rectors of the higher education institutions.  Many graduates of the faculty are ranking officers and directors of the various enterprises at present.