Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Master degree


Specialty 6М060600-Chemistry


Educational program 1 "Catalysis"

This educational program allows to consider more deeply the processes happening to participation of biological catalysts. Considered types of a catalysis widely are applied in ecological researches. Studying of these disciplines helps to master concepts about mechanisms of a fermentative, heterogeneous catalysis, structural spectroscopy, use of catalysts in technological processes.


Educational program 2 "Environment chemistry"

Studying of disciplines of this program allows to consider more deeply the questions connected with monitoring of environment: condition of air, water, soil. To study the components which are a part of foodstuff, herbs.





Specialty 6М060700-Biology


Educational program 1 "Modern botany"

This educational program allows graduates of a magistracy to seize methods of search and structuring information in questions of systematization of algas, systematization of the highest plants, the concept of physiology of plants.


Educational program 2 "Modern problems of human biology and animals"

Studying of disciplines of this program allows to consider more deeply the questions connected with fundamental problems of human physiology and animals, age psychophysiology and a hronobiologiya.




Specialty 6М080100-Agronomy 


Educational program 1 "Field husbandry"

The undergraduates who are training on this program, will be able to receive profound knowledge and abilities of agrochemistry, bases of technology of preservation and increase of soil fertility, technology of cultivation of field cultures in the conditions of various soil and climatic zones of Northern Kazakhstan.


Educational program 2 "Selection and seed farming"

The undergraduates who are training on this program, will be able to receive profound knowledge of biological bases of selection and seed farming field (grain, leguminous, olive) and forage crops, a technique of carrying out selection work and test of new grades and hybrids.



Specialty 6М091100-Geoecology and environmental management

Educational program 1 "Geoecology"

The undergraduates who are training on this program, will be able to receive profound knowledge and abilities of geoecological design and examination, mathematical methods and modeling in ecology, to geoenvironmental monitoring and quality of environment, waste management.


Educational program 2nd "Bioecology"

The undergraduates who are training on this program, will be able to receive profound knowledge of preservation of environment and a biodiversity, a sustainable development of rural and urban areas, information technologies in environment protection (GIS and ecological mapping).