Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Bachelor degree



Specialty 5В060700-Biology



Educational program 1 "Landscaping"

Landscaping – art and practical actions on gardening, improvement, the organizations of landscape gardening plantings, lawns, hills, to application of small architectural forms in green construction. The main task of landscaping – creation of harmony, beauty in combination with conveniences of use of infrastructure of buildings 





Educational program 2 "Forestry"

Forestry– a theoretical basis of forestry, its scientific base studying the wood as the natural geographical phenomenon. It considers biology-wood planting properties of tree species and their combinations in diverse communication with continuously changing conditions of the environment (climate, a relief, the soil, plants, fauna, the person), renewal and wood formation, processes of  breeds’ changes





Specialty 5В060800-Ecology

Educational program 1 "Bioecology"

The bioecology studies the basic principles of a structure and functioning of organisms and sub -organic systems, their relationship among themselves and  the environment of their dwelling.


Educational  program 2 "Geoecology"

The geoecology studies natural communications (direct and return) the geological environment with other components of environment – the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the biosphere, are estimated by influence of economic activity of the person in all its diverse manifestations and is considered as science on a joint of geology, geochemistry, biology and ecology.



Specialty 5В072700-Technology of food products

Educational program 1 "Technology of canned food and food ingridients"    


Graduates of this educational program can be demanded in the sphere of technology of conservation of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, milk, food concentrates, technology of products of a baby, functional food and technology of products for public catering.


Educational program 2 "Technology of products of public catering and special purpose" 


Graduates can work at restaurants, cafe, dining rooms, as production managers, chiefs of technological shops, quality control inspectors of service and certification of food staples, semi-finished products and finished culinary products, chefs and technologists.





Specialty 5В072800-Technology of processing productions

Educational program 1 "Technology of storage and grain processing"

The sphere of professional activity of graduates – elevators, the processing industry enterprises, design and research organization, firms of various forms of ownership. Objects of professional activity of graduates are elevators, mill plant, grain plant, formula-feed plants. Subjects of professional activity are grain of cereals and grain cultures, a flour, grain, and also processing equipment on preparation and a grain stores, mill plant, grain plant, formula-feed plants.





Educational program 2 "Technology of bread, macaroni and confectionery"


The sphere of professional activity of graduates – the processing industry enterprises, the design and research organizations, firms of various forms of ownership.  Objects of professional activity of graduates are bakeries, macaroni and confectioneries, sugar and starch line plants.  Subjects of professional activity are the flour, grain, bread, bakery, macaroni and confectionery, and also processing equipment at mill plants, bakeries, macaroni and confectioneries, sugar and starch line plants.  





Specialty 5В073200-Standartization, certification and metrology


Educational program 1 "Standardization, certification and metrology in a grain complex"

The sphere of professional activity – performance of norms, rules and requirements to production (service), process (work) and system, their development in a grain complex. Objects of professional activity of graduates are governing bodies, the enterprises, the organizations of the state and non-state ownership having a direct bearing on production (services), processes (works) of a grain complex. Subjects of professional activity are standard and the specifications and technical documentation, measuring instruments, tests and control, the metrological providing, applied in a grain complex.


Educational program 2 "Standardization, certification and metrology in a processing complex"

The sphere of professional activity – performance of norms, rules and requirements to production (service), process (work) and system, their development in a processing complex. Objects of professional activity of graduates are  managements, the enterprises, the organizations of the state and non-state ownership having a direct bearing on production (services), processes (works) of a processing complex. Subjects of professional activity are standard and the specifications and technical documentation, measuring instruments, tests and control, the metrological providing, applied in a processing complex.




Specialty 5В080100-Agronomy



Educational program 1 "Field husbandry"

The students who are training on the Field husbandry program, will be able to receive profound knowledge of technology of cultivation field (grain, leguminous, olive) cultures in the conditions of various soil and climatic zones of Northern Kazakhstan. The basic need in agronomical shots in agrarian and industrial complex is made by experts of field husbandry.


Educational program 2 "Forage production"

Providing animal husbandry of the region with the full-fledged, balanced sterns is included into a problem of a forage production. When training according to this program students will be able to receive additional knowledge of production of forage, wheat forage, nonconventional and rare forage crops, a meddow and irrigated forage production. The need for experts of the given direction in the conditions of the escalating growth of animal husbandry – is undoubted.