General information
The structure of faculty includes 4 departments: agronomics, biology and chemistry, ecology, technology of processing and standardization. The rate of the qualified staff of the departments is high: for 50 teachers - 1 doctor of science, 30 candidates of science, 10 masters.
More than 500 students and undergraduates on 6 specialties of a bachelor degree are trained at the faculties: "Agronomics", "Biology", "Ecology", "Standardization, certification and metrology", "Technology of processing productions"; "Technology of food products" and for 4 specialties of a magistracy: "Biology", "Chemistry", "Geoecology and management of environmental management" and "Agronomics".
2-3 directions of training according to inquiries of a labor market, taking into account wishes of employers are being trained on each specialty of a bachelor degree. Everyone being trained can create this personal educational program.
At the faculty the work on the academic mobility is done.
External academic students’ and teachers’ mobility:
- passing of work practice in Germany according to the international LOGO program (Zhumadilova Alina, the specialty "Agronomics", 2011);
- training of the undergraduates on the specialty "Agronomics" ( Bimagambetov Zhankuanysh) to Hoenkhaym, Stuttgart;
- reading courses by foreign professors (Mehmet Serkhat Odabas, University of May 19, Turkey; Joseph Mosey, the Warsaw university of sciences about life, Poland).
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Mehmet Serkhat Odabas, professor University of May 19, Turkey |
Y.Mosey, professor Warsaw University of natural sciences, Poland |
Internal academic mobility of students
- during a semester at KST students of the West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university of Zhangir khan are trained;
- co-education of small groups on specialty "Agronomics" for the students of KSU and KIEU by M. Dulatov.
The best conditions for taking the professional and practical trainings are created:
- the quantity of bases for the practicians isincreased;
- contracts for opening of branches of chair of agronomics with Kostanaysky SICAC and Karabalyksky SHOS, chairs of technology of processing and standardization are signed with JSC Kostanaysky melkombinat and Ivolga LLP, biology and chemistry chairs with GU the Kostanaysky fruit and vegetable sortoispytatelny site MCX of RK, Kostanayzelenstroy LLP;
- the practicians investigate in the field of biology in the Naurzumsky reservation and the state natural park "Burabay", on soil science and botany with departures to various regions of area.
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Exit occupation onagricultural meteorology at a meteorological station |
Field practice in Burabai biologists |
Agronomists at the educational practice on soil science |
At the faculty carrying out exit occupations at Kostanai leading enterprises which pass in a type of excursions or a practical training for working off of skills and abilities under production conditions practices. Carrying out of such practical training allows the students not only to get theoretical knowledge, but also to decide on employment after the university graduation.
Exit occupation of technologists at Ivolga LTD
Exit class in technology storages and grain processing at Ivolga LTD
Exit occupation in KH "Gardener" |
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Exit occupation of technologists at Ivolga LTD
Exit class in the technological disciplines at Melkombinat LTD
Exit class in standardization in NATSEKSE
Theeffective cooperation and partnership opportunity at the faculty was appreciated by Ivolga-Holding LLP and Department of Committee of technical regulation and metrology committee in Kostanay region, the Ministries of the industry and new technologies.
The unique entomology museum named after Protsenko A.I. was founded. The members of the museum staff collect, classify and store the various insects representing scientific, economic, informative value. The museum fund is about 25 000 copies of various insects, among them representatives of 15 groups.
It is the first author's museum of the insects which profile is defined by an agricultural orientation. Collected in two decades, the richest collection is used in educational process, playing an exclusive role as the visual aid for students.
The chair of ecology participates in the international project
TEMPUS "Development of the curriculum on the basis of the Bologna principles of education conducting the reforms of training in the field of environmental protection" (the partner countries – Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria).
Within the project the magistracy curriculum in "Geoecology and management of environmental management" was developed and the first set of undergraduates was made.
In 2011 the fruit and berry garden was planted. . More than 600 saplings of fruit-trees and bushes were planted. The "Improvement of the Ecological Environment of the Cities and Villages by Cultivation of Fruit and Berry Cultures" project which at Fair of social ideas and projects was awarded by a grant for its development. |