Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Multimedia manual “Ultym dep sokkan zhyrek”

In 2012 Kostanai region celebrated the 140th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh scientist, educator Akhmet Baitursynov. An international scientific- practical conference "Baitursynov reading - 2013", which was carried out on April 12, 2013 at A. Baitursynov KSU, was dedicated to this anniversary.  In the jubilee year the L. Tolstoy Kostanai oblast scientific universal library released a multimedia manual "Ultym dep sokkan zhyrek", which was presented at the round table "Akhmet Baitursynov and the Kazakh society", held during the conference.


To create this manual, extensive research work was held: materials from archives and museums of Almaty, Orenburg, Tomsk, and Kostanai regions were received; a conversation with the offspring was carried out.


The manual was published in two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Publications are accompanied with photodocumentary materials, copies of archival documents, music and sound figuration, applications, including illustrations, articles, materials of correspondences, references, etc.


The manual consists of 8 parts:

  1. Biography
  2. Teacher
  3. Work
  4. Public figure
  5. Memory
  6. Research
  7. Scenarios of the events
  8. Bibliography

and Annex dedicated to faithful life partner Badrisafa Muhamedsadykovna.


Multimedia methodic manual

Tree, biography



The newspaper section Kazakh

(1913 logo)


Akhmet’s typewriter

The house where Akhmet was born,

village Sarytubek


A walking stick of A. Baitursynov


A medal «Ғасыр саңлағы»  Signature of A. Baitursynov
The Order named after A. Baitursynov


There are given a number of photos about the present and the past along with photos from a family album, archival materials, and fine art works. Hypermedia elements are skillfully used, the texts are organically built in order to perfectly design the manual; all the elements are balanced and correspond to the declared subject. The overall design looks very expressive and harmonious on the color palette.


The manual is intended not only for the study process, but also for anyone interested in pedagogics, history and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.  The meaning of the manual for the study process is huge: it can be used by a teacher of history, literature, and it can be a students’ aid in preparation for employment and for those who are interested in the history of their homeland.  Every user can read and listen to the material, which is arranged in a strictly chronological order.  It is also possible to look through archival documents, to see the ancestry A.Baitursynov using a magnifying glass, to get historical information about monuments, institutions and organizations named after our countrymen. In addition, the manual contains video clips (fragments from plays and films, expeditions.